Vector Cell's: AMY

27/04/2013 10:12

AMY Review:

This game by "Vector Cell" has been slated by gamers, critics, and more as being
a poor attempt at a survival horror story. Some reviers gave it as little as
2/10 as a score. So what do we give it, and why?...well...
   AMY, to us, is a good game that has come out at a time where Survival Horror
games are at their peak of success, "so what makes it so poorly rated?" I hear
you all ask.
   The answer in our opinion is plainly and simply, it isn't Resident Evil, and
It isn't Silent Hill.
   Sadly, as good as the game is, and believe us when we tell you that we did
get a fair few jumpy moments (as you do in survival horror), however there just
isn't enough depth to the game, and the long and short of it is that the story
is just way too short. It seems to come to an end at a time where it could
easily have been the start of the 2nd part of a 3 or 4 part story.
   The story depicts the tale of an autistic girl, Amy, and a carer, Lana, who
have for whatever reason, left the facilities in which a Professor Raymond was
doing experiments on Amy. After the train, which was taking them to a safe
haven, in the form of a hospital, crashes, they discover that the whole town is
filled with monsters, or zombie like creatures, caused by Professor Raymond in
an attempt to stop Amy from escaping.
   It emerges that Amy has powers no one can explain, and an ability to not only
avoid contamination, but also to heal those who are contaminated, ie, Lana.
   They trundle their way through the game to reach Ellen at the hospital
avoiding monsters, and soldiers on their way.
   Once we started playing it, we sort of felt the need to keep on going to the
end, collecting all the achievements en route.
   A game that was originally released in January 2012 for Xbox 360 and for PS3
and receiving aggregating reviews from websites such as GameRankings, and
Metacritic, made us curious as to why it wasn't popular, and alas our answer is
as above. It isn't a survival Horror 'triple A' juggernaut.
   We did however enjoy playing it, despite the difficult to complete whilst
obtain a rational gaming mind at the same time 'Chapter 5', and the short story,
BUT, and it is a BIG but, because of the abrupt ending of the story alone, we at
Blog Dangerous offer up a better than 2/10

6/10 Blogger Points

Consider this though, at £2.39 on PSN, will you be curious enough to try it?


