Article archive


04/05/2013 13:52


May The 4th Be With You!

04/05/2013 13:47
Happy Star Wars day everyone! We shall be celebrating this iconic day in filming with a rundown at home of all 6 (so far) episodes of Star Wars double Trilogy. Will you venture into the dark side? Or are the Star Wars movies, and the franchise over done now? Give us your thoughts?


Looking for a different Horror Story?

27/04/2013 10:17
Hey guys, just wondering...? With the massive success of Survival Horror games like, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Dead Space, are we looking for something different, do they have it covered already? Why not look at AMY? The 2012 release for XBLive and PSN has in fairness been out for some time...


Vector Cell's: AMY

27/04/2013 10:12
AMY Review: This game by "Vector Cell" has been slated by gamers, critics, and more as being a poor attempt at a survival horror story. Some reviers gave it as little as 2/10 as a score. So what do we give it, and why?...well...    AMY, to us, is a good game that has come out at a time...


Any thoughts?

16/04/2013 17:00
Hey guys, We want to know your thoughts! Any feedback or input into any of our reviews? Do you agree with what we are saying, or do you find that our reviews are totally nonsensical? The views we have are entirely our own, so freedom of speech and all... Right now however we are more keen to find...


Mylo Xyloto Comic Review

16/04/2013 16:34
Coldplay have released a comic, along with co-writer Mark Osborne. This is FREE today (16th April 2013) and is part of a six episode story. Mylo Xyloto is a tale about a World in fear. There are different groups of beings living in Silencia, the Silencians, the Eaters, the 13 Irdoks who have tried...


Coldplay Comic app is #1

16/04/2013 15:14
Hey guys! Bored? Looking for something to pass the time away? Log onto the iStore today and download episode No.1 of the Comic by Coldplay & Mark Osborne, entitled "Mylo Xyloto" for FREE. If you fancy downloading anymore afterwards they are priced at £1.49 per episode....


Dangerous MakeOver!

11/04/2013 20:05
Hey guys! We've given our website a bit of a fun Make over so come on in and take a look around. Also tell us what you would most like to hear about from us in our POLL...Vote for Movies, Games, Books and more and we'll do our best to keep up with demand. thanks for support


The Croods, Movie Review

10/04/2013 20:52
  The Croods Review:   Produced by DREAMWORKS ANIMATION STUDIO Distributed by 20TH CENTURY FOX   Starring the voices of Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, Catherine Keener, Clark Duke, and Cloris Leachman.   The Croods is a beautifully animated tale of a family of...


Movie Review incoming!

10/04/2013 20:36
coming soon is our movie review on Dreamwork Animation Studios new release, "The Croods", so keep an eye out.
